Friday, September 10, 2010

Knowing More about Rabies

Have you ever wondered what rabies really all about? Most people just think that it can make dogs become angry and foam from the mouth. It is a viral disease which causes minor encephalitis, and can affect animals and humans. How's that!

It tends to stick with warm blooded carnivores as its prey, but don't think it can only get at dogs! Any animal on the planet is susceptible to the infection. Its devastating power is not well known among the human population. It is incurable! "Till death do us part" as they say. Once it has found its way into a humans system, it almost invariably kills. The only thing you can do to stop it is prevent it. Early vaccination against it will sometimes lead to the rabies elimination instead of the victim succumbing to death, but don't rely on it.

The virus is transmitted through the saliva of infected mammals. It only generally jumps from one host to the next through biting. For the most part, if you are bitten by a rabid animal, you will die unless treated quickly, and that is where it stops. Occasionally virus is transmitted to another person through kisses, but for the most part, it tends to stay out of the way. But however, be careful!